High Performers Constantly Seek Clarity

High Performers Constantly Seek Clarity

April 18, 20242 min read

Have you ever wondered what differentiates high performers from average ones? What allows certain individuals to tap into incredible energy reserves and achieve feats many wouldn't dare to dream of? For the past 15 years, I've sought to unravel this mystery, initially suspecting a complex formula or extraordinary genetics at play.

However, I discovered I was wrong. There's no secret formula or superhuman talent. High performers share three straightforward traits:

  • Clarity

They have clarity about their goals, courageously commit to action, and consistently act, even when they don't "feel" like it. They continuously improve with a growth mindset that enables them to rise and pivot after failures or roadblocks.

In this week's article, I want to focus on Clarity since it's the foundation for all other elements of success. The most successful individuals are VERY CLEAR about what matters to them. They know not only WHAT they want but also WHY they want it. A clear vision of your desired outcome allows you to devise a plan to achieve it, while a strong WHY fuels your motivation and commitment, even during tough times.

Let me share a personal example: I wake up every morning between 3:30 am and 4:00 am. Despite numerous excuses (like the bed being warm, not wanting to wake up my partner, Shawn, or simply being on vacation), I push through because waking up early aligns with my goals. I remind myself of my WHY – my commitment to growth, contribution, and leaving a legacy for my daughter. This clarity energizes me, even on the toughest mornings.

As you plan your goals for the next year, I encourage you to self-reflect. Understanding WHY you want to achieve something brings focus and commitment to your efforts, making your journey engaging, fun, and stimulating.

Here are my top 5 questions for self-reflection to gain clarity:

  1. What brings me the greatest meaning and fulfillment?
    What do I want to be known for?
    What habits are not serving me?
    What exactly am I hoping to achieve in my current projects (career and personal)?
    What steps can I take starting TODAY to move in the desired direction?

Write down your answers using pen and paper. Use these questions as a tool to move forward in life. Commit to unlocking your potential as a high performer. Don't wait for life to happen to you. When you set a goal and align your actions towards it, aspects of your life naturally converge, moving you closer to achieving it.

Here's a  template  to help you set goals for the next year with clarity and commitment:

Remember: Success is the result of conscious planning and confident execution.

Your time is now!

From Venezuela's vibrant paths to Pittsburgh's strategic arenas, I unite professional women against the status quo. With a history of resilience, strategic leadership, and entrepreneurship, I empower women to lead with influence and authenticity in their fields.

Nayli Russo

From Venezuela's vibrant paths to Pittsburgh's strategic arenas, I unite professional women against the status quo. With a history of resilience, strategic leadership, and entrepreneurship, I empower women to lead with influence and authenticity in their fields.

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