The Empowered Path

Navigating career success with clarity, confidence, and community.

The Power of Self-Discovery

The Power of Self-Discovery

April 18, 20247 min read

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses is an essential part of personal and professional growth. It's crucial to recognize what you do well and what areas you need to improve upon in order to succeed in your career and life. In this post, we'll discuss why it is important to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can do it effectively.

5 Reasons Why Identifying Your Strengths is Important

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses allows you to leverage your skills and improve in areas where you need to grow. It helps you to set goals, make better decisions, and communicate more effectively with others. By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, you can build your confidence and increase your chances of success in your career. Here are five spheres where strength/weakness recognition can help you perform and lead better.

  • Self-awareness: Identifying our strengths and weaknesses can increase our self-awareness and help us better understand ourselves. This can lead to greater self-confidence, improved communication skills, and a more positive outlook on life.

  • Career planning: Knowing our strengths and weaknesses can help us plan our careers more effectively. We can focus on jobs and career paths that align with our strengths, and work on improving our weaknesses to achieve our career goals.

  • Professional development: Identifying our weaknesses can help us target areas for professional development. By improving our skills and knowledge in areas where we are weak, we can become more valuable to our employers and more successful in our careers.

  • Performance evaluation: Many employers use performance evaluations to assess their employees' strengths and weaknesses. By knowing our own strengths and weaknesses, we can be better prepared for these evaluations and take steps to improve our performance.

  • Teamwork: Identifying our strengths and weaknesses can also help us work better in teams. By understanding our own strengths and weaknesses, we can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of others, and work together more effectively.

How to Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

As you can already see, knowing your strengths and weaknesses can have a significant impact in many areas. Taking the next steps, however, is quite difficult for a lot of individuals. Pinning down your strengths and weaknesses is much harder than you might think. So many of us go through the motions at work and in our relationships day after day. Simply keying in on your strengths, however, can elevate yourself and everyone else around you very quickly. Remember: everyone will have different answers and different outcomes to these methods. You are 1:1, and that’s a beautiful thing. Your specific set of strengths and weaknesses are unique to you and only you — you just have to find them. Here are a few easy ways to start.

  • Conduct a self-assessment: Start small, and simply take the time to reflect on your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Ask yourself questions like: What do I enjoy doing? What challenges have I overcome? What makes me feel energized?

  • Ask for feedback: Your trusted colleagues, friends, and family members can provide honest feedback on your performance. Although it might seem awkward at first, you will likely find that starting this conversation will lead to a positive, rewarding discussion. It is also a great way to elevate relationships and show someone that you trust and respect their opinion.

  • Take assessments: There are many online assessments available that can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. While some of these assessments cost money, I think they can be very valuable through pointing you in the right direction. Some popular assessments include StrengthsFinder ($), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ($), DISC (free), and VIA Character Assessment (free).

  • Evaluate your own performance: No need to wait for your boss to evaluate you — try evaluating yourself. Break your life down into different areas (job, hobbies, relationships, etc.), and assess your performance in each. Identify areas in which you excel and areas where you struggle. Don’t be afraid to dig deeper and find out what makes you, you. After all, we know ourselves better than anyone.

  • Analyze your mistakes: If you look at your shortcomings, mistakes, or failures from a greater, healthy perspective — you will likely start to identify patterns and areas where you need to improve. Reminder: this is not an exercise to beat yourself up or dwell on the past. Instead, this is a constructive method to help you avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

  • Developing a Plan of Action: Once you've identified your strengths and weaknesses, you can start working on strategies to leverage your strengths and improve your weaknesses. For example, if you've identified communication as a weakness, you can work on improving your communication skills through practice and training. If you have identified personability as a strength, you might consider introducing yourself to more individuals.

But you might be wondering: which is more important? That is, should I focus more on leveraging my strengths or mitigating my weaknesses?

The answer is it depends. The most successful individuals find an approach that works best for their specific situation and goals. Here are some considerations for each to keep in mind while prioritizing your plan of action:

When to leverage your strengths

If your strengths are relevant to your personal or professional goals, focusing on them can help you excel and stand out in those areas.
Developing your strengths can also increase your confidence and sense of accomplishment, which can improve your overall well-being and satisfaction.
However, relying too heavily on your strengths and neglecting areas for improvement could limit your growth and lead to problems if your weaknesses become significant enough to impact your performance or well-being.

When to mitigate your weaknesses

Addressing your weaknesses can help you become more well-rounded and better prepared to handle a variety of challenges and situations.
Improving in areas where you struggle can also increase your confidence and reduce stress and frustration that may result from those challenges.
However, focusing too much on your weaknesses and neglecting your strengths could limit your potential and may not be as efficient or effective as building on your strengths.
Ultimately, the approach that's best for you may depend on your goals, strengths, weaknesses, and overall situation. A balanced approach that incorporates both building on strengths and addressing weaknesses may be the most effective for long-term growth and success.

A Cautionary Note

Identifying strengths can be a tricky business — the phenomena of "strengths overplayed" or "strengths overused" tells how strengths can become weaknesses if they are taken too far. Here are a few examples:

  • Attention to detail: Attention to detail is a valuable strength, but when overplayed, it can lead to perfectionism, procrastination, and micromanaging.

  • Confidence: Confidence is another valuable strength, but when overplayed, it can lead to arrogance, overestimating one's abilities, and underestimating others.

  • Empathy: Empathy is a valuable strength for building relationships and understanding others, but when overplayed, it can lead to emotional exhaustion, taking on others' problems as one's own, and losing sight of one's own needs and boundaries.

  • Adaptability: Adaptability is a valuable strength for navigating change and uncertainty, but when overplayed, it can lead to indecisiveness, lack of direction, and difficulty committing to goals or plans.
    In general, it's important to be aware of your strengths and how they may manifest in different situations. Pay attention to how your strengths may be serving you well, but also be mindful of potential downsides if you overuse or overemphasize them. Strive for balance and flexibility in how you approach different challenges and situations.


As we’ve seen, strengths and weaknesses play an important role in personal and professional growth. From understanding, to identifying, to implementing a plan of action — every step starts with you. By recognizing what you do well and where you need to improve, you can build your confidence and increase your chances of success in your career and life. Take the time to conduct a self-assessment, ask for feedback, take assessments, evaluate your performance, and analyze your mistakes to identify your strengths and weaknesses. It just might be the most valuable thing you do today. So why wait? Take action now, and move one step closer to achieving the life and career you deserve.

From Venezuela's vibrant paths to Pittsburgh's strategic arenas, I unite professional women against the status quo. With a history of resilience, strategic leadership, and entrepreneurship, I empower women to lead with influence and authenticity in their fields.

Nayli Russo

From Venezuela's vibrant paths to Pittsburgh's strategic arenas, I unite professional women against the status quo. With a history of resilience, strategic leadership, and entrepreneurship, I empower women to lead with influence and authenticity in their fields.

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