The Empowered Path

Navigating career success with clarity, confidence, and community.

Beyond the Plateau

Why Staying Comfortable is Killing Your Career

September 17, 20244 min read

Let’s get real for a second—have you ever felt completely stuck in your career?

Maybe you’ve been in the same role for what feels like forever, or you’ve hit a wall and aren’t sure how to move forward. It’s called career stagnation, and it’s frustrating as hell.

I’ve been there. In fact, earlier in my career, I was working as a pharmacist. I had put so much time and energy into getting my degree, but once I got into the day-to-day of it, I felt completely unfulfilled. Every day felt like I was just going through the motions, and I knew I was meant for more. But I stayed stuck for a long time because I was afraid to make a change. I didn’t want to rock the boat, and honestly, I wasn’t sure I had what it took to step out of my comfort zone.

Eventually, though, I realized something had to give. That feeling of being stuck didn’t go away—it only got louder. That’s when I knew the only way forward was to lean into the discomfort of making a big change. I had to trust myself and embrace the unknown.

Reframing Discomfort as a Growth Opportunity

Discomfort doesn’t mean you’re failing. In fact, it’s a sign that you’re pushing yourself beyond your limits—and that’s exactly where growth happens. Whether it’s taking on new responsibilities, speaking up in meetings, or going after a promotion you’re not 100% sure you’re “ready” for, that feeling of discomfort is a signal that you’re stretching yourself.

Here’s how to reframe discomfort as an opportunity for growth:

1. Recognize that discomfort = progress.

If you’re feeling uncomfortable, it means you’re stepping out of your comfort zone—and nothing great ever happens in the comfort zone. Discomfort is your challenge to rise, not something to avoid.

2. Focus on what you’ll gain, not just what’s uncomfortable.

When discomfort hits, instead of dwelling on the fear or uncertainty, shift your focus to the benefits of pushing through. What new skills will you gain? How will this set you up for your next career move? Focusing on the potential outcome will give you the confidence to push through.

Discomfort is where growth begins. Embrace it, and watch yourself transform into the version of you that’s ready for the next level.

Confidence Is the Key to Breaking Through

Confidence doesn’t mean you’re never afraid or uncomfortable. It’s about trusting yourself enough to move forward despite those feelings. Confidence is knowing you can handle whatever challenges come your way, even when it feels scary or uncertain.

When I made the leap from pharmacy into business strategy, I didn’t have all the answers. I was moving into roles I didn’t always feel qualified for, and there were plenty of moments where I questioned if I had what it took. But I learned to trust myself and take bold action, even when I didn’t feel 100% ready. That confidence is what helped me break through my own stagnation.

Here’s why confidence is the key to breaking through career stagnation:

1. Confidence fuels action.

When you believe in your ability to succeed, you take bold actions. Whether it’s going for that new role, volunteering for a leadership project, or having tough conversations with your boss, confidence gives you the push to act—even when you’re unsure.

2. Confidence allows you to embrace risk.

Breaking through stagnation often means taking risks—whether it’s pivoting your career, stepping into leadership, or shaking things up. Confidence helps you embrace those risks because you trust yourself to handle the outcome, whether it’s a win or a lesson learned.

"Confidence isn’t about having all the answers—it's about trusting yourself to figure them out as you go. That’s how breakthroughs happen."

Pushing Through: One Actionable Tip

Here’s an actionable tip to help you build confidence and push through discomfort when you feel stuck:

Start small, but start today.

When you’re feeling stuck, the idea of making a big move can be overwhelming. Instead of worrying about the huge leap, focus on small, consistent actions that build your confidence. Maybe it’s speaking up in a meeting, asking for feedback on a project, or learning a new skill. Every small step adds up, and soon, you’ll be breaking through those plateaus with confidence.


The bottom line? Career stagnation isn’t a dead end—it’s an opportunity for growth. But you can only break through if you have the confidence to embrace discomfort and push yourself beyond what feels safe.

If you’re feeling stuck and want more tips on how to overcome career stagnation, check out my latest YouTube video where I go deeper into strategies for breaking through those plateaus and building the confidence to keep moving forward.

Remember, discomfort isn’t the enemy—it’s the path to your next big breakthrough.

All my best,

XO 💕 Nayli

Break through career plateauCareer stagnationConfidence in the workplaceCareer growth strategiesOvercoming career obstaclesProfessional development tipsEmbrace discomfort for successHow to get unstuck in your career
From Venezuela's vibrant paths to Pittsburgh's strategic arenas, I unite professional women against the status quo. With a history of resilience, strategic leadership, and entrepreneurship, I empower women to lead with influence and authenticity in their fields.

Nayli Russo

From Venezuela's vibrant paths to Pittsburgh's strategic arenas, I unite professional women against the status quo. With a history of resilience, strategic leadership, and entrepreneurship, I empower women to lead with influence and authenticity in their fields.

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